Privacy and Cookie Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is  to determine the terms and conditions related to the use of personal data of the users/members/visitors (“Data Owner”) of website (“Site”) which is being maintained by BTS Bilişim Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Limitd Şirketi (“BTS”). Personal data referred here is data produced during the use of the Site in question.

The Data Owner declares that this Privacy Policy is acquainted with the processing of his/her personal data and that he/she consents to the use of his personal data as specified herein.

What Data Is Processed?

Under this heading, the data that are processed by BTS and which are considered as personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law are listed. Unless otherwise clearly stated, the term “personal data” under the terms and conditions provided within the scope of this Privacy Policy will include the following information.

Pursuant to Articles 3 and 7 of the Personal Data Protection Law, data that have been irreversibly anonymized will not be considered as personal data in accordance with the provisions of the said law, and processing activities related to this data will be carried out regardless of the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

For What Purposes Is the Data Used?

BTS will be able to process the personal data provided by the Data Owner for the purposes of planning and performing the activities required to customize the services offered by BTS to the relevant people by customizing them according to their likes, usage habits and needs.

BTS will be able to process and share personal data with third parties in accordance with Articles 5 and 8 of the Personal Data Protection Law and / or in case of exceptions in the relevant legislation. The major items of these situations are as follows:

Who Can Access Data?

BTS may transfer the Personal Data of the Data Owner and the new data obtained by using them to the third parties that the Company uses the services for the purpose of achieving the goals determined by this Privacy Policy, for the purpose of providing such services. BTS may also transfer the data to the Company’s business partners, suppliers and legally authorized institutions and organizations for the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

BTS may also share data with outsourcing service providers, hosting service providers, law offices, research companies, call centers, etc (all including SMS senders) to improve the Data Owner experience (including improvement and customization), to secure the Data Owner, to detect fraudulent or unauthorized uses, to investigate operational evaluation, to troubleshoot site services, and to accomplish any of the purposes contained in this privacy policy.

The Data Owner, under the condition that it is limited to the purposes stated above,

acknowledges that the third parties mentioned may be able to store the Personal Data of the Data Owner on their servers all over the world, and that he/she consent in advance.

Right to Access Data and Requests for Correction

Data owners have the right in accordance with Article 11 of the Law;

Such requests will be reviewed and concluded within 30 (thirty) days if they are sent by personal data owners to or in other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Although it is essential that no fee is requested for the requests,  reserves the right to request a fee over the rates determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

The Data Owner undertakes to warrant that the information mentioned in this Privacy Policy is complete, accurate and up-to-date, and in case of any change in this information, he / she will update them immediately. BTS will not have any responsibility if the Data Owner has not provided up-to-date information.

The Data Owner declares that if he / she makes a request that will result in the failure of any personal data to be used by BTS, he / she will be responsible for all the results that will arise within this scope.

Retention Time of Personal Data

BTS will retain the Personal Data provided by the Data Owner for the time required by the processing purposes mentioned above.

In addition, BTS will be able to store Personal Data in the event of any dispute that may arise with the Data Owner, for the purpose of carrying out the necessary defenses within the scope of the dispute, and for the time-out periods determined in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Measures and Commitments Regarding Data Security

BTS undertakes to take the necessary technical and administrative measures and to carry out the necessary audits in order to ensure the appropriate security level in order to ensure the following items in the conditions specified in the relevant legislation or expressed in this Privacy Policy.

BTS may not disclose the personal data it has obtained about the Data Owner to anyone else in violation of this privacy policy and the provisions of the Law and may not use it for any other purpose.

In case of linking to other applications through the Site, BTS does not bear any responsibility for the privacy policies and contents of the applications.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make the most efficient use of our website and to improve your user experience. If you prefer not to use cookies, you can delete or block cookies in your browser settings. However, we would like to remind you that this may affect your use of our website. We will assume that you accept the use of cookies on this site, unless you change your cookie settings in your browser.

What is cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device or network server by websites you visit on your computer or mobile device.

What kind of data is processed with cookies?

Cookies on the websites collect data about your browsing and usage preferences on the device you visit the site, depending on its type. This data includes information about the pages you access, the services and products you view, the language option you choose, and your other preferences.

For What Purposes Are Cookies Used?

These small text files, including your preferred language and other settings on the site, help us remember your preferences the next time you visit the site and improve our services to improve your experience on the site. So you can have a better and more personalized user experience on your next visit.

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are as follows:

Types of Cookies

Cookie Types in Terms of Storage Time:

Session Cookies

Session cookies ensure that the website works properly during your visit. They are used for purposes such as ensuring the safety and continuity of our site and you during your visit. Session cookies are temporary cookies, they are deleted when you close your browser and return to our site, they are not permanent.

Persistent Cookies

These cookies help your information and choices to be remembered by our website on your next visit. Persistent cookies remain hidden even after closing your browser or restarting your computer when you visit our site. These cookies are kept in the subfolders of your browser until they are deleted from your browser’s settings.

Cookie Types in Terms of Usage:

First and Third Party Cookies

First party cookies are cookies used by our site. Third party cookies are cookies installed on your computer outside of our site. Both first and third party cookies are used on our website.

Your data obtained by visiting our website may be shared with our business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and private persons in accordance with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the PDP Law for the purposes of processing your personal data.

Mandatory Cookies

Mandatory Cookies are cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly. Mandatory cookies are used to manage the system properly, create user accounts and log in users, and prevent fraudulent transactions. In the absence of these cookies, the website will not work properly.

Function Cookies

Function Cookies are cookies used to facilitate your visit on the website and improve your experience on the site. These cookies remember your previous visit to the site and helping you to easily access the contents.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical Cookies contain data that enables us to see which of our pages draw more attention, which resources are viewed more and that allows us to provide traffic-friendly service by seeing the traffic on our sites. Cookies used in this nature store information anonymously.

Advertising Cookies

Advertising or in other words Targeting cookies are cookies that enable us to detect and present content that is close to your interests. Third-party advertising cookies may be placed on our website and mobile site, on other websites that we advertise, so that we can recognize you and provide you with customized advertisements. These cookies are also used to measure the efficiency of our ads.

Cookies used except for the mandatory and first party ones used by our sites are as follows:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis tool that analyzes how users use the website. In addition to anonymous information, personal data (name, address, phone number, e-mail address, IP address) related to your use of the website is sent to Google by your browser and saved by Google.

How can you prevent the use of cookies?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, if you wish, you can refuse cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Please note that if you refuse cookies, some features and services on our site may not work properly, our site may not be personalized and customized according to your experience.

You have the opportunity to customize your preferences for cookies by changing your browser settings. Browser manufacturers provide help pages on the management of cookies in their products. For more information, you can use the links below;

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Internet Explorer:


Opera Mobil:

Safari Bilgisayar:

Safari Mobil:

Google Adwords:

Google Analytics:

Changes to the Privacy Policy

BTS may change this privacy policy terms at any time. The current privacy policy come into force on the date it is presented to the Data Owner by any means.